use core::render::Renderer; use geometry::{Point, Dimension, Intersection, Angle, ToAngle, supercover_line}; use sprites::SpriteManager; use std::rc::Rc; use {point, dimen}; mod lvlgen; pub use self::lvlgen::LevelGenerator; ////////// LEVEL /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #[derive(Default)] pub struct Level { pub gravity: Point, pub grid: Grid, walls: Vec>, wall_grid: Grid>>, } impl Level { pub fn new(gravity: Point, grid: Grid, mut walls: Vec) -> Self { let size = (2560, 1440); // TODO: get actual size from walls or something let wall_grid = Level::build_wall_grid(&mut walls, &size.into()); dbg!(&wall_grid.scale); Level { gravity, grid, walls: walls.into_iter().map(|i| Rc::new(i)).collect(), wall_grid, } } /// Creates a grid of wall edges for fast lookup fn build_wall_grid(walls: &mut Vec, lvlsize: &Dimension) -> Grid>> { let size = dimen!(lvlsize.width / 20, lvlsize.height / 20); // TODO: make sure all walls fit within the grid bounds let cs = point!(lvlsize.width / size.width, lvlsize.height / size.height); //let cs = point!(scale.width as f64, scale.height as f64); let mut grid = Grid { cells: vec!(vec!(vec!(); size.height); size.width), size, scale: dimen!(cs.x as f64, cs.y as f64), }; for wall in walls { for edge in &wall.edges { for c in grid.grid_coordinates_on_line(edge.p1, edge.p2) { grid.cells[c.x][c.y].push(Rc::clone(edge)); } } } grid } pub fn render(&mut self, renderer: &mut Renderer, _sprites: &SpriteManager, debug_mode: bool) { if debug_mode { // original grid renderer.canvas().set_draw_color((64, 64, 64)); let size = &self.grid.scale; for x in 0..self.grid.size.width { for y in 0..self.grid.size.height { if self.grid.cells[x][y] { renderer.canvas().fill_rect(sdl2::rect::Rect::new( x as i32 * size.width as i32, y as i32 * size.height as i32, size.width as u32, size.height as u32)).unwrap(); } } } // wall grid renderer.canvas().set_draw_color((0, 32, 0)); let size = &self.wall_grid.scale; for x in 0..self.wall_grid.size.width { for y in 0..self.wall_grid.size.height { if !self.wall_grid.cells[x][y].is_empty() { let num = self.wall_grid.cells[x][y].len(); renderer.canvas().set_draw_color((0, 32*num as u8, 0)); renderer.canvas().fill_rect(sdl2::rect::Rect::new( x as i32 * size.width as i32, y as i32 * size.height as i32, size.width as u32, size.height as u32)).unwrap(); } } } // wall normals for wall in &self.walls { for e in &wall.edges { let c = (e.p1 + e.p2) / 2.0; let a = (e.p2 - e.p1).to_angle() + std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_2.radians(); renderer.draw_line( <(i32, i32)>::from(c.to_i32()), <(i32, i32)>::from((c + Point::from(a) * 10.0).to_i32()), (0, 128, 255)); } } } // walls for wall in &self.walls { for e in &wall.edges { if !debug_mode { let c = (e.p1 + e.p2) / 2.0; let a = e.normal().reverse(); renderer.draw_line( <(i32, i32)>::from(c.to_i32()), <(i32, i32)>::from((c + Point::from(a) * 10.0).to_i32()), (255, 128, 0)); renderer.draw_line( <(i32, i32)>::from(e.p1.to_i32()), <(i32, i32)>::from((c + Point::from(a) * 20.0).to_i32()), (96, 48, 0)); renderer.draw_line( <(i32, i32)>::from(e.p2.to_i32()), <(i32, i32)>::from((c + Point::from(a) * 20.0).to_i32()), (96, 48, 0)); } renderer.draw_line( <(i32, i32)>::from(e.p1.to_i32()), <(i32, i32)>::from(e.p2.to_i32()), (255, 255, 0)); } } } pub fn intersect_walls(&self, p1: Point, p2: Point) -> IntersectResult { for c in self.wall_grid.grid_coordinates_on_line(p1, p2) { for w in &self.wall_grid.cells[c.x][c.y] { if let Intersection::Point(p) = Intersection::lines(p1, p2, w.p1, w.p2) { if w.point_is_in_front(p1) { let wall = Wall { region: Rc::clone(&self.walls[w.region]), edge: Rc::clone(w), }; return IntersectResult::Intersection(wall, p) } } } } IntersectResult::None } } pub enum IntersectResult { Intersection(Wall, Point), None } ////////// GRID //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct Grid { pub size: Dimension, pub scale: Dimension, pub cells: Vec>, } impl Grid { // pub fn at(&self, c: C) -> Option<&T> // where C: Into<(isize, isize)> // { // let c = c.into(); // if c.0 >= 0 && c.0 < self.size.width as isize && c.1 >= 0 && c.1 < self.size.height as isize { // Some(&self.cells[c.0 as usize][c.1 as usize]) // } else { // None // } // } pub fn to_grid_coordinate(&self, c: C) -> Option> where C: Into<(isize, isize)> { let c = c.into(); if c.0 >= 0 && c.0 < self.size.width as isize && c.1 >= 0 && c.1 < self.size.height as isize { Some(point!(c.0 as usize, c.1 as usize)) } else { None } } /// Returns a list of grid coordinates that a line in world coordinates passes through. pub fn grid_coordinates_on_line(&self, p1: Point, p2: Point) -> Vec> { supercover_line(p1 / self.scale, p2 / self.scale) .iter() .map(|c| self.to_grid_coordinate(*c)) .flatten() .collect() } } ////////// WALL REGION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct WallRegion { edges: Vec>, } impl WallRegion { pub fn new(points: Vec>) -> Self { let index: RegionIndex = 0; // use as param let mut edges = Vec::with_capacity(points.len()); for i in 0..points.len() { let edge = Rc::new(WallEdge { region: index, id: i, p1: points[i], p2: points[(i + 1) % points.len()], }); edges.push(edge); } WallRegion { edges } } fn next(&self, index: EdgeIndex) -> Rc { let index = (index + 1) % self.edges.len(); Rc::clone(&self.edges[index]) } fn previous(&self, index: EdgeIndex) -> Rc { let index = (index + self.edges.len() + 1) % self.edges.len(); Rc::clone(&self.edges[index]) } } ////////// WALL EDGE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// type RegionIndex = usize; type EdgeIndex = usize; #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct WallEdge { region: RegionIndex, id: EdgeIndex, pub p1: Point, pub p2: Point, } impl WallEdge { fn point_is_in_front(&self, p: Point) -> bool { let cross = (self.p2 - self.p1).cross_product(p - self.p1); cross > 0.0 } fn normal(&self) -> Angle { self.angle() + std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_2.radians() } /// Angle from the right to the left point if the normal is up. fn angle(&self) -> Angle { (self.p2 - self.p1).to_angle() } } ////////// WALL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pub struct Wall { region: Rc, edge: Rc, } impl Wall { #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn next(self) -> Wall { Wall { edge:, region: self.region, } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn previous(self) -> Wall { Wall { edge: self.region.previous(, region: self.region, } } pub fn normal(&self) -> Angle { self.edge.normal() } pub fn angle(&self) -> Angle { self.edge.angle() } pub fn from_2d(&self, pos: &Point, vel: &Point) -> (f64, f64) { let pos = self.projection_of(*pos - self.edge.p1); let vel = self.projection_of(*vel); (pos, vel) } pub fn to_2d(&self, pos: f64, vel: f64) -> (Point, Point) { let a = Point::from(self.edge.angle()); let pos = self.edge.p1 + a * pos; let vel = a * vel; (pos, vel) } /// Returns the 1D position of a point projected onto this wall. /// This is done by rotating the point using a rotation matrix and then taking the resulting x value. /// x'=xcos−ysin <- only this is used /// y'=xsin+ycos fn projection_of(&self, p: Point) -> f64 { let r = Point::from(self.edge.angle()); p.x * r.x + p.y * r.y // r.y is inverted here instead of inverting the angle } }