getmanga: Allow specifying getnames in props-file.
[automanga.git] / getmanga
... / ...
3import sys, os, getopt, time, random
4import manga.lib, manga.profile
5from PIL import Image
7verbose = 0
8wait = 10
9getnames = False
11def msg(vl, msg, *args):
12 if verbose >= vl:
13 sys.stderr.write("getmanga: " + (msg % args) + "\n")
15def getprop(nm, default=None):
16 if mprof and "dl-" + nm in mprof.props:
17 return mprof.props["dl-" + nm]
18 if nm in props:
19 return props[nm]
20 return default
22def digits(num):
23 n, i = 10, 1
24 while True:
25 if num < n:
26 return i
27 n, i = n * 10, i + 1
29def autoname(page):
30 ret = ""
31 inames = []
32 for t, i in page.stack:
33 if ret:
34 inames.append((t, ret))
35 if ret:
36 ret += "-"
37 ret += "%0*i" % (digits(len(t) + 1), i + 1)
38 return ret, inames
40def expand(pattern, page):
41 ret = ""
42 si = 0
43 fp = 0
44 inames = []
45 stack = list(zip([t for t, i in page.stack], [t for t, i in page.stack[1:]] + [page], [i for t, i in page.stack]))
46 while True:
47 p = pattern.find('%', fp)
48 if p < 0:
49 if si < len(stack):
50 sys.stderr.write("getmanga: pattern %s did not match page %s\n" %
51 (pattern, "/".join( for t, c, i in stack)))
52 sys.exit(1)
53 return ret + pattern[fp:], inames
54 ret += pattern[fp:p]
55 m = pattern[p + 1:p + 2]
56 fp = p + 2
57 if m == "%":
58 ret += "%"
59 else:
60 if si >= len(stack):
61 sys.stderr.write("getmanga: pattern %s did not match page %s\n" %
62 (pattern, "/".join( for t, c, i in stack)))
63 sys.exit(1)
64 t, ct, ti = stack[si]
65 si += 1
66 if m == "i":
67 ret += "%0*i" % (digits(len(t) + 1), ti + 1)
68 elif m == "n":
69 ret +=
70 elif m == "d":
71 ret +=
72 else:
73 sys.stderr.write("getmanga: %s: unknown specifier `%s'\n" % (pattern, m))
74 sys.exit(1)
75 if si < len(stack):
76 inames.append((ct, ret))
78checkednames = None
79def checknames(tdir, names):
80 global checkednames
81 nmpath = os.path.join(tdir, "names")
82 if checkednames is None:
83 checkednames = {}
84 if os.path.exists(nmpath):
85 with open(nmpath) as fp:
86 for line in fp:
87 line = line.strip()
88 p = line.find(' ')
89 if p < 0: continue
90 checkednames[line[:p]] = line[p + 1:]
91 for t, prefix in names:
92 if not prefix: continue
93 if ' ' not in prefix and prefix not in checkednames:
94 with manga.profile.txfile(nmpath, "w") as fp:
95 if '\n' not in
96 checkednames[prefix] =
97 msg(1, "adding name %s for %s" % (, prefix))
98 else:
99 checkednames[prefix] = ""
100 sys.stderr.write("getmanga: warning: node names contains newlines: %r\n" % (,))
101 for prefix, name in checkednames.items():
102 if not name: continue
103 fp.write("%s %s\n" % (prefix, name))
105def download(mng, tdir, pattern):
106 exts = ["", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif"]
107 fmts = {"PNG": "png", "JPEG": "jpeg", "GIF": "gif"}
108 for page in manga.lib.cursor(mng):
109 if pattern is None:
110 nm, inames = autoname(page)
111 else:
112 nm, inames = expand(pattern, page)
113 if getnames:
114 checknames(tdir, inames)
115 path = os.path.join(tdir, nm)
116 if any(os.path.exists(path + ext) for ext in exts):
117 msg(2, "%s exists, skipping", nm)
118 continue
119 msg(1, "getting %s...", nm)
120 with as fp:
121 with open(path, "wb") as out:
122 done = False
123 try:
124 while True:
125 data =
126 if data == b"":
127 done = True
128 break
129 out.write(data)
130 finally:
131 if not done:
132 os.unlink(path)
133 try:
134 img =
135 except OSError:
136 fmt = None
137 else:
138 fmt = img.format
139 if fmt not in fmts:
140 sys.stderr.write("getmanga: warning: could not determine file format of %s, leaving as is\n" % nm)
141 else:
142 os.rename(path, path + "." + fmts[fmt])
143 msg(3, "%s -> %s", nm, nm + "." + fmts[fmt])
144 cwait = abs(random.gauss(0, 1) * wait)
145 msg(2, "waiting %.1f s...", cwait)
146 time.sleep(cwait)
148def usage(out):
149 out.write("usage: getmanga [-hvn] [-w WAIT] [-p PROFILE] [-P PATTERN] DIRECTORY [LIBRARY ID]\n")
150 out.write("\tpattern templates:\n")
151 out.write("\t %i\tSequence number\n")
152 out.write("\t %n\tName\n")
153 out.write("\t %d\tID\n")
155def main():
156 global verbose, wait, mprof, props, getnames
158 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvnp:w:P:")
159 profnm = None
160 pattern = None
161 for o, a in opts:
162 if o == "-h":
163 usage(sys.stdout)
164 sys.exit(0)
165 elif o == "-p":
166 profnm = a
167 elif o == "-v":
168 verbose += 1
169 elif o == "-n":
170 getnames = True
171 elif o == "-w":
172 wait = int(a)
173 elif o == "-P":
174 pattern = a
175 if len(args) < 1:
176 usage(sys.stderr)
177 sys.exit(1)
178 tdir = args[0]
180 if not os.path.isdir(tdir):
181 sys.stderr.write("getmanga: %s: not a directory\n" % (tdir))
182 sys.exit(1)
184 pfile = os.path.join(tdir, ".props")
185 props = {}
186 if os.path.exists(pfile):
187 with open(pfile, "r") as fp:
188 for words in manga.profile.splitlines(fp):
189 if words[0] == "set" and len(words) > 2:
190 props[words[1]] = words[2]
191 elif words[0] == "lset" and len(words) > 1:
192 props[words[1]] = words[2:]
194 if profnm is None:
195 profile = manga.profile.profile.last()
196 elif profnm == "":
197 profile = None
198 else:
199 profile = manga.profile.profile.byname(profnm)
201 if props.get("getnames", "") == "yes":
202 getnames = True
204 if len(args) == 2:
205 usage(sys.stderr)
206 sys.exit(1)
207 elif len(args) > 2:
208 libnm, mid = args[1:3]
209 elif isinstance(props.get("manga"), list):
210 libnm, mid = props["manga"]
211 else:
212 sys.stderr.write("getmanga: %s: id is neither saved nor given\n" % (tdir))
213 sys.exit(1)
214 try:
215 lib = manga.lib.findlib(libnm)
216 except ImportError:
217 sys.stderr.write("getmanga: no such library: %s\n" % (libnm))
218 sys.exit(1)
219 try:
220 mng = lib.byid(mid)
221 except KeyError:
222 sys.stderr.write("getmanga: no such manga: %s\n" % (mid))
223 sys.exit(1)
224 if profile is not None:
225 mprof = profile.getmanga(libnm,
226 else:
227 mprof = None
229 download(mng, tdir, pattern or getprop("pattern"))
231if __name__ == "__main__":
232 try:
233 main()
234 except KeyboardInterrupt:
235 pass