# RPC specfile for Fedora Name: doldaconnect Version: @VERSION@ Release: 1 License: GPL v2+ Group: Applications/Internet Summary: Direct Connect client Source0: http://www.dolda2000.com/~fredrik/doldaconnect/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz URL: http://www.dolda2000.com/~fredrik/doldaconnect/ BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-data = %{version}-%{release} Requires: doldacond = %{version}-%{release} %description Dolda Connect is a client program for the Direct Connect peer-to-peer filesharing network. It is written so that the user interface is separated from the actual filesharing program, so that the user interface can run on a different computer over the network, and can be shut down temporarily (or only started temporarily), and can be replaced altogether. The protocol with which the user interface talks with the actual client is also quite well defined, so that other kinds of clients can be written as well, such as an automatic downloader, a chatbot, etc. It can also be used in secure multiuser operation. %package libs Summary: %{name} libraries Group: Libraries Requires: krb5-libs >= 1.5 %description libs Shared libraries for %{name}. %package devel Summary: Development files for %{name}. Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} %description devel Header files and development libraries for %{name}. %package guile Summary: Guile module for %{name}. Group: Libraries Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} Requires: guile >= 1.8.0 %description guile Guile module for using the %{name} library in Scheme programs. %package applet Summary: GNOME applet for %{name} Group: Applications/Internet Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-data = %{version}-%{release} %description applet A GNOME applet for checking the status of transfers in %{name}. %package data Summary: Common data files for %{name} Group: Applications/Internet %description data This package contains common data files for other %{name} packages. %package -n dolcon Summary: The Gtk client in %{name}. Group: Applications/Internet Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-data = %{version}-%{release} Conflicts: %{name} %description -n dolcon This package contains only the Gtk client for %{name}, so that it can be used without using a local server. %package -n doldacond Summary: The daemon in %{name}. Group: Daemons Requires(post,preun): /sbin/chkconfig Requires: initscripts Requires: krb5-libs >= 1.5 Requires: gdbm >= 1.8.0 %description -n doldacond Daemon for %{name} that does all the actual work of filesharing. %prep %setup %build echo "rpm" %{release} >source %configure --disable-rpath --with-guile \ --enable-gtk2ui --enable-guishell --with-pam \ --with-krb5 --enable-gnomeapplet --without-keyutils %{__make} %install rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" mkdir "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" make install DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" install -D -m 644 contrib/pam.d-doldacond "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/doldacond install -D contrib/fedora-init.d-doldacond "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"%{_initrddir}/doldacond rm -f "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"%{_libdir}/gaim/*.a rm -f "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"%{_libdir}/libdolcon-guile.a rm -f "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"%{_libdir}/libdolcon-guile.la %find_lang %{name} %clean rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" %post libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun libs -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(-,root,root) %{_bindir}/dolcon %{_bindir}/dolconf %{_bindir}/dolcon-launch %{_bindir}/doldacond-shell %{_desktopdir}/dolcon.desktop %{_mandir}/man1/dolcon.1.gz %files applet %{_libdir}/bonobo/servers/*.server %{_libexecdir}/dolcon-trans-applet %files data %{_iconsdir}/* %{_datadir}/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/doldaconnect.mo %doc AUTHORS ChangeLog README doc/INSTALL doc/gui-shell doc/TODO doc/protorev %files libs %defattr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/libdcui.so.1 %{_libdir}/libdcui.so.1.1.0 %files devel %defattr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/libdcui.so %{_libdir}/libdcui.la %{_libdir}/libdcui.a %dir %{_includedir}/doldaconnect %{_includedir}/doldaconnect/*.h %files guile %defattr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/libdolcon-guile.so %dir %{_datadir}/guile/site/dolcon %{_datadir}/guile/site/dolcon/ui.scm %{_datadir}/guile/site/dolcon/util.scm %{_bindir}/autodl %{_bindir}/chatlog %{_bindir}/dcruncmd %{_bindir}/hubmgr %files -n doldacond %dir %{_sysconfdir} %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/* %{_bindir}/doldacond %{_bindir}/locktouch %{_bindir}/tthsum %{_libexecdir}/speedrec %{_mandir}/man5/doldacond.conf.5.gz %{_mandir}/man8/doldacond.8.gz %post -n doldacond /sbin/chkconfig --add doldacond %preun -n doldacond %service doldacond stop /sbin/chkconfig --del doldacond %files -n dolcon %{_bindir}/dolcon %{_mandir}/man1/dolcon.1.gz %changelog * Tue Oct 16 2007 Fredrik Tolf - Initial spec file. Quite a lot taken from the PLD specfile.