Build dependencies on Debian Note: The following lists probably apply to Ubuntu as well. For (re-)building the configure scripts and related items (not necessary if you build from a tarball): * gettext * cvs * build-essential * autoconf * automake * libtool * pkg-config * guile-1.8-dev (Yes, this really is necessary, in order to get the GUILE_FLAGS autoconf macro into aclocal.m4) Basic dependencies for most components: * zlib1g-dev * libbz2-dev For building the daemon: * libgdbm-dev * libpam0g-dev (Only if PAM authentication is used) For building dolcon: * libgtk2.0-dev * libxml2-dev For all Scheme programs: * guile-1.8-dev For the GNOME panel applet: * libpanel-applet2-dev For the Pidgin plugin: * libpurple-dev This document was last updated 2008-02-14, reflecting release 1.1 of Dolda Connect.