Merge branch 'master' of
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1package dolda.jsvc;
3import dolda.jsvc.util.Misc;
4import java.util.logging.*;
5import java.lang.reflect.*;
6import java.util.*;
8public class ThreadContext extends ThreadGroup {
9 private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("dolda.jsvc.context");
10 private ThreadGroup workers;
11 private long reqs = 0;
12 private final ServerContext ctx;
13 public final Responder root;
14 private int timelimit = 0;
15 private boolean forcelimit = false;
17 public ThreadContext(ThreadGroup parent, String name, ServerContext ctx, Class<?> bootclass) {
18 super((parent == null)?(Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup()):parent, name);
19 this.ctx = ctx;
20 workers = new ThreadGroup(this, "Worker threads") {
21 public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
22 logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Worker thread terminated with an uncaught exception", e);
23 }
24 };
26 int tl;
27 tl = Integer.parseInt(ctx.sysconfig("jsvc.timelimit", "0"));
28 if((tl > 0) && ((timelimit == 0) || (tl < timelimit)))
29 timelimit = tl;
30 tl = Integer.parseInt(ctx.libconfig("jsvc.timelimit", "0"));
31 if((tl > 0) && ((timelimit == 0) || (tl < timelimit)))
32 timelimit = tl;
33 forcelimit |= Misc.boolval(ctx.sysconfig("jsvc.forcelimit", "0"));
34 forcelimit |= Misc.boolval(ctx.libconfig("jsvc.forcelimit", "0"));
36 root = bootstrap(bootclass);
38 if(timelimit > 0)
39 (new WatchDog()).start();
40 }
42 private class WatchDog extends Thread {
43 private Map<RequestThread, State> state = new WeakHashMap<RequestThread, State>();
45 private class State {
46 String st = "running";
47 long lastkill;
48 }
50 private WatchDog() {
51 super(ThreadContext.this, "Worker watchdog");
52 setDaemon(true);
53 }
55 @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
56 private long ckthread(long now, RequestThread rt) {
57 State st = state.get(rt);
58 if(st == null) {
59 st = new State();
60 state.put(rt, st);
61 }
62 if( == "running") {
63 if(now - rt.stime() > timelimit) {
64 rt.interrupt();
65 = "interrupted";
66 st.lastkill = now;
67 return(5000);
68 } else {
69 return(timelimit - (now - rt.stime()));
70 }
71 } else if(( == "interrupted") || ( == "killed")) {
72 if( == "killed")
73 logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Thread " + rt + " refused to die; killing again");
74 if(now - st.lastkill > 5000) {
75 if(forcelimit)
76 rt.stop();
77 else
78 rt.interrupt();
79 = "killed";
80 st.lastkill = now;
81 } else {
82 return(5000 - (now - st.lastkill));
83 }
84 }
85 return(timelimit);
86 }
88 public void run() {
89 try {
90 while(true) {
91 long next = timelimit;
92 long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
93 Thread[] w = new Thread[workers.activeCount() + 5];
94 int num = workers.enumerate(w);
95 for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
96 if(w[i] instanceof RequestThread){
97 RequestThread rt = (RequestThread)w[i];
98 if(rt.stime() > 0) {
99 long n = ckthread(now, rt);
100 if(n < next)
101 next = n;
102 }
103 }
104 }
105 Thread.sleep(next);
106 }
107 } catch(InterruptedException e) {
108 }
109 }
110 }
112 public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
113 logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Service thread " + t.toString() + " terminated with an uncaught exception", e);
114 }
116 public ServerContext server() {
117 return(ctx);
118 }
120 public void shutdown() {
121 if(root instanceof ContextResponder)
122 ((ContextResponder)root).destroy();
123 try {
124 long last = 0;
125 while(true) {
126 long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
127 if(now - last > 10000) {
128 interrupt();
129 last = now;
130 }
131 Thread[] th = new Thread[1];
132 if(enumerate(th) < 1)
133 break;
134 th[0].join(10000);
135 }
136 } catch(InterruptedException e) {
137 logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Interrupted while trying to shut down all service threads. Some may remain.", e);
138 }
139 destroy();
140 }
142 public RequestThread respond(Request req) {
143 return(ctx.worker(root, req, workers, "Worker thread " + reqs++));
144 }
146 public long requests() {
147 return(reqs);
148 }
150 private Responder bootstrap(final Class<?> bootclass) {
151 final Throwable[] err = new Throwable[1];
152 final Responder[] res = new Responder[1];
153 Thread boot = new Thread(this, "JSvc boot thread") {
154 public void run() {
155 try {
156 Method cm = bootclass.getMethod("responder");
157 Object resp = cm.invoke(null);
158 if(!(resp instanceof Responder))
159 throw(new ClassCastException("JSvc bootstrapper did not return a responder"));
160 res[0] = (Responder)resp;
161 } catch(NoSuchMethodException e) {
162 logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Invalid JSvc bootstrapper specified", e);
163 err[0] = e;
164 } catch(IllegalAccessException e) {
165 logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Invalid JSvc bootstrapper specified", e);
166 err[0] = e;
167 } catch(InvocationTargetException e) {
168 logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "JSvc bootstrapper failed", e);
169 err[0] = e;
170 }
171 }
172 };
173 boot.start();
174 try {
175 boot.join();
176 } catch(InterruptedException e) {
177 logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Interrupted during bootstrapping", e);
178 boot.interrupt();
179 Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
180 }
181 if(err[0] != null) {
182 destroy();
183 throw(new RuntimeException(err[0]));
184 }
185 if(res[0] == null) {
186 destroy();
187 logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "No responder returned in spite of no error having happened.");
188 throw(new NullPointerException("No responder returned in spite of no error having happened."));
189 }
190 return(res[0]);
191 }
193 public static ThreadContext current() {
194 for(ThreadGroup tg = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); tg != null; tg = tg.getParent()) {
195 if(tg instanceof ThreadContext)
196 return((ThreadContext)tg);
197 }
198 return(null);
199 }
201 public static class CreateException extends Exception {
202 public CreateException(String message) {
203 super(message);
204 }
206 public CreateException(String message, Throwable cause) {
207 super(message, cause);
208 }
209 }
211 public static ThreadContext create(ServerContext ctx, ClassLoader cl) throws CreateException {
212 String nm = "JSvc Service";
213 if( != null)
214 nm = "JSvc Service for " +;
216 String clnm = ctx.libconfig("jsvc.bootstrap", null);
217 if(clnm == null)
218 throw(new CreateException("No JSvc bootstrapper specified"));
219 Class<?> bc;
220 try {
221 bc = cl.loadClass(clnm);
222 } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
223 throw(new CreateException("Invalid JSvc bootstrapper specified", e));
224 }
225 return(new ThreadContext(null, nm, ctx, bc));
226 }